Interested in Cyber Security?
The Stony Brook Cyber Day brings together experts in cyber security with the greater Stony Brook academic community for an inter-disciplinary dialogue on security and privacy in our digital lives.
We aim to meet each other and understand our strengths, within CEAS and the university, build synergy across different groups on campus and with partners such as Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), develop strategy and form teams to address key challenges.

Present your research!
Are you affiliated with Stony Brook or Brookhaven National Laboratory? Is your work related to cyber security or would benefit from cybersecurity expertise? Sign up to present your work! We especially encourage student presentations!
If you plan to just attend the talks and mingle, please register here. Your registration is required to ensure proper food and space provisioning.

Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) Room 200.